802.11n Wi-Fi Technology and the 802.11g Wi-Fi Technology: Differences

The Wireless Fidelity is normally known as Wi-Fi. Wi-Fi is a very popular and known technology these days and is about IEEE 802.11b wireless networking which is very common, appreciated and is highly in use. The Wi-Fi technology connects two or more than two Wi-Fi-compatible devices without any physical connection. The purpose of connecting two or more devices is to transfer data or to access the points, to transfer the data or to share services (WiFinotes.com, n.d).

Wi-Fi technology does not support distant localities. It supports Local Area Network (LAN), and it allows data transference within a specific range (Kayne, 2010). The Wi-Fi devices are highly competent and the Wi-Fi technology is ideal for any home network or for a network of any small office or hospital, etc.

The 802.11a technology and the 802.11b technology offer quite exclusive features while the 802.11g technology came up with the features of both the 802.11a technology and the 802.11b technology. The 802.11g is with the same OFDM-based transmission scheme as in the 802.11a. The 802.11g technology was found to be faster than the 802.11a technology and the 802.11b technology with 54 Mbps bandwidth. However, the latest 802.11n technology defeats all of them in bandwidth as after all, it is the newest and is the improved version of 802.11g with strong and quality signals. All such features are the reasons behind the high cost of the 802.11n. The 802.11n is expensive than all previous technologies (Mitchell, n.d).

The very first dual-band standard is basically none other than the 802.11n. 802.11g is a solo data stream accommodating technology. On the other hand, the 802.11g technology supports multiple data streams (spatial streams). The spatial streams consume the multiple data streams to the upward total throughput. In 802.11g, diversity technology has been used. The objective of this technology is to control the consequences of multipath.

The latest advancement in the field of Wireless Fidelity (Wi-Fi) is the 802.11n. The 802.11g technology is compatible with the 2.4 GHz band while the 802.11n is said to be compatible with not only the 2.4 GHz band but also with the 5 GHz band. As compared to the throughput of 802.11g, the throughput of 802.11n will be too smart as it will support 200 MBs to 600 MBs. When it comes to video, unlike 802.11g, 802.11n will perform quite better than all previous technologies as it supports hi-tech video mode at 5 GHz (Puglia, 2008). However, the only impressive thing about the older 802.11g technology is; the wireless chipset in many netbooks are not supportive of the latest and the fastest 802.11n draft standard but they do support the 802.11g technology—which is less in cost and is assumed to be the older version these days (Moran, 2009).


Kayne, R. 2010. What is the Difference between Wifi and Wireless Internet? Web.

Mitchell, B. (n.d). Wireless Standards – 802.11b 802.11a 802.11g and 802.11n. Web.

Moran, J. 2009. Netbook Wi-Fi—802.11g or 802.11n? Web.

Puglia, M. 2008. Can you distinguish between 802.11n and 802.11g? Web.

WiFinotes.com. (n.d). Wi-Fi and Wireless Networks. Web.

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