Business Communication and Employee Relationships

Annotated Bibliography

Gramatnikovski, S., Stoilkovska, A., & Serafimovic, G. (2015). Business communication in the function of improving the organizational culture of the company. UTMS Journal of Economics, 6(2), 266-279. Web.

The paper presents research with the purpose of drawing a connection between effective communication and organizational culture. Given that communication is part of daily behavior, it contributes to the formation of norms, habits, and value systems which essentially create a culture within an organization. Therefore, the suggestion is that the methods, means, and attitudes in communication can build a specific organizational culture.

Keyton, J. (2014). Communication, organizational culture, and organizational climate. In B. Schneider & K.M. Barbera (eds), The Oxford Handbook of organizational climate and Culture (pp. 118–134), Oxford University Press.

The chapter discusses the distinction between communication and management views of organizational culture. Communication is central to the constructs because as an underlying element of organizations. However, the authors argue that companies do not have a culture; they are the culture. Therefore, communication is isomorphic with the culture at a deeply ingrained level. This chapter offers theoretical and empirical insights that help redefine the role of communication within organizational culture.

Men, L. R., & Jiang, H. (2016). Cultivating quality employee-organization relationships: The interplay among organizational leadership, culture, and communication. International Journal of Strategic Communication, 10(5), 462–479. Web.

The study focuses on employee-organizational relationships within various industrial sectors and the role of organizational culture, internal communication, and leadership on building these connections. The study finds that symmetrical internal communication fosters positive employee-organizational relationships for long-term culture building. This directly relates to the topic as it evaluates the role of communication as an underlying concept in culture.

Ramadanty, S., & Martinus, H. (2016). Organizational communication: Communication and motivation in the workplace. Humaniora, 7(1), 77. Web.

This paper focuses on studying communication as a concept within organizations that is used to motivate employees. It studies various methods of communication and collects data to determine how motivation is shaped. Motivation, in turn, plays a role in contributing to the culture and interactions within an organization.

Smaliukienė, R., & Survilas, A. (2018). Relationship between organizational communication and creativity: How it advances in rigid structures? Creativity Studies, 11(1), 230–243. Web.

The study takes a unique approach to the association of organizational communication and creativity, particularly within the context of complex social systems and company structures. After analyzing team and leadership communication in the military, the paper offers a three-level model of communication to foster creativity in rigid organizational structures. These findings are critical in considering how communication can operate within various firm structures and have an influence on its culture.

Smollan, R. K., & Morrison, R. L. (2019). Office design and organizational change. Journal of Organizational Change Management, 32(4), 426–440. Web.

The paper examined change occurring within an organization, where employee perceptions were gauged regarding moving to new offices and having an open-plan design. Elements of organizational culture, such as collegiality and egalitarianism, are discussed. The article relates to the topic as it presents a practical case where communication is utilized and driven through organizational culture to create change.

Syahruddin, S., Hermanto, H., & Wardini, A. K. (2020). The influence of communication, training, and organizational culture on employee performance. Jurnal Organisasi Dan Manajemen, 16(2), 171–181. Web.

The study focuses on examining how communication, training, and organizational culture, individually and collectively, impact employee performance. The findings indicate that these factors have a positive influence, with organizational culture being the most dominant factor, followed by communication. This suggests, in the context of the topic, that the two are interrelated potentially to generate higher levels of motivation and performance.

Tampubolon, M., & Harati, R. (2019). Role of organizational culture, communication and leadership style on job satisfaction. International Journal of Research in Business and Social Science (2147- 4478), 8(5), 308–315. Web.

The study analyzes the impact of organizational culture, communication, and leadership style on job satisfaction. The findings suggest that culture has a mild effect, while communication has the strongest impact on satisfaction. The study relates to the topic by interconnecting the elements of the topic into one of the key indicators for long-term performance, both individually and together.

Walker, R. (2020). Communication perspectives on organizational culture and organizational identification. International Journal of Business Communication, 58(2), 1-5.  Web.

The article discusses the role of communication in creating organizational culture and identification, indicating the highly social constructivist and cognition perspectives in defining organizations. This research offers in-depth theoretical perspectives on the role of communication and organizational culture to develop empirical knowledge on the topic.

Xie, S., Helfert, M., Lugmayr, A., Heimgärtner, R., & Holzinger, A. (2013). Influence of organizational Culture and communication on the successful implementation of information technology in Hospitals. Cross-Cultural Design. Cultural Differences in Everyday Life, 165–174. Web.

The study uses a practical setting of a hospital in the context of IT adoption and implementation to determine how different types of organizational culture impacted communication and whether this had an influence on the adoption process. The findings suggest that organizational culture is a key factor in establishing well-balanced communication, which in turn, is necessary for complex projects and the implementation of change. This is relatable to the topic, as unlike many other articles where communication serves as the basis of culture, this study focuses on the opposite, highlighting the role of culture in building professional communication.

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