Censorship: the Problem of Censoring

When a publisher refuses to publish the book just because it does not correspond to the norms of morality, it may be acknowledged as censorship. Sometimes the editor considers that the writer’s ideas are not relevant and he/she must make the necessary amendments. Strange it might seem, some regard it as censorship as well. The same situation takes place in mass media when the government decides whether this or that material should be given to publicity. In this respect, two issues arise. On the one hand, censorship hampers the immoral and invalid information leakage. If so, should the governmental or local authorities decide this question? On the other hand, sometimes censoring greatly distorts the original thoughts of the author. Hence, it is obligatory to decide to what consequences the unleashed information could lead.

There is a strong belief that censorship is the obligatory function of the state authorities (Gottfried, 8). This statement is true as far as the national security is concerned. Most people agree that secret data should be removed from the public to prevent mass resentment and disorder or even acts of violence. Besides, there exists the so-called “top secret” information that is strictly prohibited to be revealed. But, on the other hand, taking into consideration human rights and freedoms, people have the right to know the truth since sometimes the government is inclined to conceal the information in order to cover up the politicians. In this case, official censorship confronts the infringements of constitutional rights.

Another problem is connected with online censorship because internet has become the inherent part of the social communication. Here, the problem of censorship is on the agenda since that is where no one can be ensured of receiving the false information and the bad consequences of unlimited access are evident. The problem is aggravated when the matter concerns children. Moreover, parents cannot control the situation since internet clubs and public schools are free to restrict or not restrict the computer use (Gottffried 11).

If regarding the censorship interns of local publishers, here censorship may have the negative outcomes. First of all, it would be mistaken to consider the editing as the censuring since sometimes it undergoes the subjective impact of the editor but not the accepted norms. Moreover, there is a great possibility of the infringement of the copyright. The writers are forced to change their thoughts in order to sell their books and establish the fruitful relations with the publishing house.

Censorship comes to the fore as far as mass media is concerned. Thus, television and the press hardly care about the validity of the data and linguistic norms. In pursue of success and sensation the journalists are ready to break the law in order to obtain the secret information believing that everyone has the right to express his/her own opinion. Thus, the American government imposed the limits on the freedom of speech and press (Biafora, Frank unpaged).

In conclusion, the problem of censoring is very important and touches upon the social, cultural, and political life. Besides, it is of especial concern when the matter concerns moral aspects. That is why censorship should be analyzed according to the spheres of its application and should have a more specialized character. In other words, the government should follow the constitutional rights and respect the copyright.

Works Cited

Gottfrild, Ted Censorship China: Marshal Cavendish, 2006.

Biafora, Frank &Costello, Robert “Censoring the Press: The Supreme Court Rules On Media Ride-Alongs” Feature Article 1999. Web.

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