Delta and United Airlines Companies’ Organizational Culture

Culture is interpersonal knowledge among employees of a business institution, and as a result, personnel learns about the most significant parts of tradition through their colleagues. This transmission of information might be by verbal conversation, subjective opinion, or other, less evident techniques. Enterprise culture influences and promotes specific work attitudes by implementing a management framework over personnel (Colquitt et al., 2021). A company’s culture is based on the calculated beliefs and modes of communication that steer and instruct the behaviors of all group mates and make a significant contribution to the corporation’s unique social and emotional environment.

The organizational culture is most visible during times of crisis, as it is the institution’s franchise. The firm’s strategic approach is put in place to assist with day-to-day processes. Workers’ cohesive actions and attitudes throughout an emergency indicate the institution’s culture. Delta and United Airlines, for example, demonstrated their culture through their crisis administrative functions (Colquitt et al., 2021). These instances demonstrated the importance of quick decision-making and adaptability in organizational cultures. United’s bureaucratic system cost its company image, whereas Delta could recover from its outage satisfactorily.

First, the company’s connection with its surroundings forms a significant distinction between the two firms. How two businesses characterize their industry and constituencies may be opposed, resulting in cultural differences. For example, United may have viewed its aviation industry as a profit-making venture, resulting in a disregard for customer requirements, whereas Delta may have placed a higher premium on customer relationships.

Second, human nature underlines that fundamental assumptions influence how employees, customers, and distributors should communicate and be handled. This underlying principle varies by company and individual, which is why Delta and United’s corporate culture is so dissimilar (Colquitt et al., 2021). Third, the benchmarks used by various firms to determine their performance vary. The company’s success is influenced by the culture endorsed by its structure and technique. In the case of the two, their business strategies and institutional arrangements may be influenced by distinct cultures. Finally, appropriate emotions, thoughts, and feelings are ingrained in a company’s culture (Colquitt et al., 2021). Different organizations have policies dictating which emotions are acceptable to express and must be squelched on the worksite. Delta and United may have established different guidelines for dealing with emotions, resulting in two distinct cultures.

A cultural shift is a dedication to modification on the part of an institution. They wish to alter their attitudes, habits, methodologies, and systems to improve their working environment. There are numerous reasons why an organization’s culture may change. First, having robust, continuous communications of reaffirmed and sanctioned transformation will help United create a positive culture (Yuriev et al., 2018). United’s executives must constantly speak about transcending their paradigm while listening to personnel without passing judgment. The most effective way to establish mutual understanding is through dialogue and interaction that is sincere.

Second, being mindful and deliberate, United should publicly acknowledge the contrasts between the corporate culture and the values they are attempting to establish within their team as a means of diminishing the corporate culture’s effect. Therefore, this will enable people to comprehend the prevalence of detrimental effects emanating from the larger organizational culture, thereby assisting in its reduction. Lastly, executive leadership influenced by United’s administrators may instill a strong culture in their teams by providing an exceptional standard (Yuriev et al., 2018). Leaders, for instance, can easily foster a culture of trustworthiness, tolerance, and common interests if senior management permits it.

My dad once worked at Southwest Airlines Company which he suggested had a solid organizational culture. The reasons for their strong organizational culture are discussed herein. First, Southwest Airlines has an institutional culture that fosters teamwork. Corporate America is a fiercely competitive environment, and employees must obtain initiative over their counterparts to retain or advance their professions. A strong business culture requires employees to develop their ability to work together (Yaprak et al., 2018). Each person and their team are working for the same objective and are on the same team. Unification is a virtue that should be admired.

Second, establishing stability within the firm by responding to modifications and combating challenges. When a business undergoes transition, employees frequently become disengaged. Maintaining a solid culture pushes employees to overcome these seemingly insurmountable obstacles; the resolve to accomplish the organization’s mission is greater than the dread of the unknown (Yaprak et al., 2018). Executives and group leaders must provide adequate assistance to keep their staff on course in the face of adversity.

Lastly, through engagement, workers have a clear idea of what their company is striving to achieve. It is a simple technique for the institution to reach out and respond to their personnel’s perspective on administration, sectors, and peers. Thus, this develops a culture of exchanging ideas and expertise; the firm also encourages values that demonstrate genuine caring for their personnel. During his employment at Southwest Airlines, my dad enjoyed working for the company. He stated that the company’s policy of creating an enabling environment for laborers to identify themselves served him well. Additionally, the organization enabled the staff to develop a sense of belonging.


Colquitt, J., Lepine, J. A., & Wesson, M. J. (2021). Organizational behavior: Improving performance and commitment in the workplace. New York, NY, USA: McGraw-Hill.

Yaprak, A., Yosun, T., & Cetindamar, D. (2018). The influence of firm-specific and country-specific advantages in the internationalization of emerging market firms: Evidence from Turkey. International Business Review, 27(1), 198-207.

Yuriev, A., Boiral, O., Francoeur, V., & Paillé, P. (2018). Overcoming the barriers to pro-environmental behaviors in the workplace: A systematic review. Journal of Cleaner Production, 182, 379-394. Web.

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