Impact of Divorce on the Emotional Well-being of Children

Introduction As an official process to end a marriage, divorce usually has a negative impact on both children and parents. When it comes to health, the inability of people to live together can result in the development of various mental illnesses that significantly lower the quality of life. However, parents...

Integrating Work and Family

A family is a collection of people who are affiliated together by uniting a number of factors. Such factors may include ancestry or residency. The former description (ancestry) is the most common accepted description. According to this description the significance of a family is procreation and continuation of the society....

Changes in Marriage in the Last Fifty Years

Introduction Marriage is one of the human values that have changed significantly over the past fifty years. This view is supported by Cahn who notes that the attributes of marriage have undergone significant transformations that are worthy studying. Cahn also notes that there is a remarkable contrast between the scenes...

Gay Marriage in Modern Society

In the United States, married couples receive many legal benefits that couples who live together but are unmarried do not. More and more, gay couples are insisting that they receive the same legal rights that the traditional, heterosexual married couples receive. Gay rights advocates believe that it is inequitable and...

Methods of Balancing Work and Family life

Since times immemorial, women, particularly working women have faced the dual responsibilities of professional work and looking after their families which includes the tough task of balancing work and family and is one of the major challenges they face in their professional growth and development. There have been constant changes...

A Sports Manager’s Role in a Managerial Environment

Sports management is increasingly becoming a mainstream industry in many societies today. Most of its professionals happen to be former athletes who embark on helping other individuals reach certain athletic goals, which is a positive thing because managers end up understanding client needs. But understanding what athletics want to achieve...

The Negative Effect of Divorce on Children

Introduction Divorce causes mental anguish which contributes to psychological issues for both parties and their children. Depression is a common result of divorce, a condition that initiates a variety of other health concerns. The more contentious the relationship and consequential separation, the worse for all concerned but the children may...

Evaluation Essay on Gay’s Impact on Marriage

The total percentage of the gay and lesbian population is about 10% of the population and their ways of life different from the normal ways, livelihood, religion, and beliefs of the rest 90%. (D’Cruz, 387) Thus, it is highly recommended that the authorities should hold back from legalizing the proposed...

Role of Emotions in Human Life

Emotions play a key role in the life of any person. They make people’s life bright and eventful allowing feeling happy, sad, angry, glad, or depressed. Both the article “Course on helping” and Chapter 3 of the book in question deal with controlling human emotions. The difference between the article...

Cohabitation in the United States

Abstract In the history of mankind, lifelong marriage has always provided society with a basic unit as well as ready platform for child socialization. This situation has however changed in contemporary US society, whereby the institution of marriage has continued to lose its stability due to the rising rate of...

Personal Values Development for Military Service

Introduction It is never easy to develop a personality that is uniquely one’s own. Their influence was written on the blank sheet that was my innocence and determined how I would act like a child person. This was the first personality that I ever knew about. My father was an...

Two Narrations About Brotherly Relationships

The Epic of Gilgamesh depicts the story of two friends, Gilgamesh and Enkidu, who were striving to be famous and immortal. This story is also interpreted as the story about brotherly relationships and the formation of human qualities. There is also a biblical story that narrates about two siblings, Cain...

BMW M6 Car Owner’s Personal Experience

I own a BMW M6 model, one of the finest pieces of machinery one can have the pleasure of experiencing. It is a late cousin of the first M6 released in 1983 in Europe and North America which became the darling of automobile enthusiasts of the era. With a “shark...

Divorce Rate in American Families

Over the past 30 years, a family in the United States has undergone a significant transformation. Staying the central institution of American society, the family now plays a smaller role than before. The percentage of adults who have never married, for the 1972 – 1998 years increased from 15 to...

Divorce Rates Since the 1950s Review

Marriage is the union of two hearts. It legally binds people together and these people who are married may not marry somebody else even if they are separated. So what happens if someone married wants to remarry? The husband and wife, to be able to get married to another person,...

Modernity of Divorce

Introduction The act of terminating marriage is called divorce; this involves the cancellation of all legal obligations that two people would have gotten into. Marriage is not rendered null and void by a divorce; the divorce just reverses the marital status of the individuals involved in the union. In many...

The Poverty Faced by the Single-Parent Families

Introduction In the United States, the families which had a single parent are ascending in number. According to the US Bureau of census, 1989a, there were more than 25 percent of the American families are single- parent families and professionals have anticipated that the children who was born in the...

The Marriage Has Lost Its Value

Introduction This research paper is about the importance of marriage and the value of this relationship in the present age. Usually, marriage is seen as the perfect loving union and everlasting bond between man and wife who are deeply in love with one another. Over time, there has come money,...

Parenting as a Process and Set of Responsibilities

Introduction Parenting is a core element of bringing out of strong generations for the future times. The quality of parenting is rather different among ethnic groups in various parts of the world. Children are taught to become responsible and productive adults for the purpose of further delegation of such mission...

Why Make a Step Family a Real Family?

Abstract Stepfamilies have become an accepted part of our current society. Such families, when properly integrated have the ability to form an even more cohesive and supportive extended family base as opposed to the biological family. Through my research, I will shed light on the enigma that is the successful...

Divorce and Its Impact on Children

Outline Divorce is a traumatic experience which can create negative emotional and behavioral problems in children. This paper studies the effects of divorce and strategies to cope with the trauma. Introduction Divorce means the termination of marriage which is carried out using the court of law. It is a legal...

People’s Expectations of Others

Introduction People have different expectations of others. Usually, people make their expectations of someone based on his gender, race, education and age. I was judged by all of these categories. This essay will talk about people’s expectations of me as a male. As a male, people have certain expectations for...

Single Parenthood: Challenges

Abstract Single parenthood may happen to for a diversity of reasons. It could be selected by a parent (as in divorce, adoption, artificial insemination, surrogate motherhood, or extramarital pregnancy), or be the result of an unforeseeable event (such as death or abandonment by one parent). The living and parenting agreements...

Divorcing Parents and Adolescent Female Children

Introduction At one time or the other couples have faced problems in their relationships and staying together with a partner life long is a difficult and challenging experience. Though it can be potentially rewarding, it can also be the reverse and sometimes painful. Marriage and divorce has become such common...