Evaluation Essay on Gay’s Impact on Marriage

The total percentage of the gay and lesbian population is about 10% of the population and their ways of life different from the normal ways, livelihood, religion, and beliefs of the rest 90%. (D’Cruz, 387) Thus, it is highly recommended that the authorities should hold back from legalizing the proposed marriage among the minority population. This form of marriage is contrary to the nature of social conventions. Measures must be taken to make the authorities understand the good of the greater mass. It must be noted that marriage should be defined in the constitution to be between a man and a woman but gay couples or those who chose this lifestyle must not be awarded the same benefits as heterosexual couples and it should not be called marriage but maybe civil union since that is what these same-sex couples want. This debate itself is a clear indication that gay’s impact on the institution of marriage is grossly underestimated and the evils of this kind of marriage are overlooked. To understand this impact, the religious issue would be taken into consideration as this element is fundamental to society.

Same-sex marriages can never exist since marriage is one that is a union between a male and female; hence, the idea of same sex marriages is unnatural, since same sex couples can never meet the most essential purpose of a marriage in the Judeo-Christian sense, reproduction. Courts have traditionally held the view that marriage is weak if it does not lead to reproduction. However, supporters of same-sex marriages argue that even old people and sterile heterosexuals should be denied marriage. This argument, though, is defeated by the mention to the point that with the advancement of science, it is possible for older couples or sterile couples to have children. Thus, it is obvious that this argument is not supportable but still, gay couples are making it a point to legalizing theirs through marriage. Meanwhile, the impact on the institution of marriage is becoming more serious and that general underestimation of the society is making it easier for the gay population to harm the institution of marriage. (Brumbaugh, 345-346) This is because same-sex marriage is against nature’s creation. Homosexuality can be termed as the height of abnormal behavior comparable to some of the most shocking sexual acts performed during their relation, and it is similar to sin and sexual wickedness.

Another extremely important factor against the issue of same-sex marriage that can be put forward is that one of the prime functions of marriage is biological reproduction. When same-sex marriages render this impossible, how can this be considered as any kind of marriage? Another argument put forward in opposition to same-sex marriages is a certain sexual act, particularly among male partners. Legalizing it runs opposing to established law. Thus, on the one hand, the government bans such sexual practices; on the other hand legalization of same-sex, marriages would work against that, as this practice is accepted as common practice in same-sex marriages, especially between two men. (Anderson, 173-174) This act is not only illegal but also not permissible by religion.

Genesis 2:21-24 talks about God’s original plan for marriage: “And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof; And the rib, which the Lord God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought, and brought her unto the man.” (Got questions, 1) (Genesis 2:21-24) However, it was assumed that a man and woman should stay together for the rest of the life. “When the Jewish leaders brought up the topic of divorce Jesus said, …Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate” (got questions, 1) (Mark 10:6-9). Thus, marriage in the bible is “Marriage is the union of a man and a woman, creating a new entity… a new “whole.” (Gotqustions, 1) (Corinthians 7:39) However, the fact remains that the idea of marriage is between two opposite sexes who should stay together to enhance the process of creation. In this context, gay couples are neither from the opposite sex and nor they are able to create a new life. Thus, it can be stated that gay couples as married couples are in contradiction to the laws of the Bible, therefore they are opposite to the laws of nature, and thus they should be termed as unnatural and thus they should not be allowed to get married, at least legally.

In addition, gay marriage offends all major religious institutions in America. Most religious institutions consider gay marriage to be a sinful act and recognize the religious sanctity of a marriage union. It is therefore important for homosexuals to recognize the religious holiness of a union. Many religious institutions believe that allowing same-sex couples to share a common alter with heterosexual couples, is an obvious corruption of society. However, it appears to be a strange situation that the authorities are still undecided about banning same-sex couples (Bolte, pp. 116-123).

Thus, it is quite obvious that gay’s impact on the institution of marriage is grossly underestimated and in the meanwhile, the movement of gay marriage is taking shape at a rapid pace. It is up to the authorities to take a clear and farm step to stop the decay of the institution of marriage by the gay community and save religion from degradation. It is a holy war for the majority against these couples and the same-sex couples must be stopped.


  1. Anderson, Gary. A Marriage in Full. London: First Things, 2008
  2. Bible. The Complete Bible. Auckland: Union Books, 2007.
  3. Bolte, Angela. “Do Wedding Dresses Come in Lavender? the Prospects and Implications of Same-Sex Marriage.” Social Theory and Practice 21.3 (2007): 116-123.
  4. Brumbaugh, Stacey. “Attitudes Toward Gay Marriage in States Undergoing Marriage Law Transformation”. Journal of Marriage and Family 70.2 (2008): 345-359.
  5. D’Cruz, Shani. “Family and Sexuality the American Way” Gender & History 13.2 (2001): 380-388.
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