Fast Food Restaurants’ Impact on People’s Health

The United States is known as one of the largest owners of fast-food chains. There are many restaurants like McDonald’s, Subway, Dunkin’, and Starbucks, where people can get quick services and well-prepared food. Millions of Americans prefer this type of cuisine due to its convenience, taste, and variety that may be delivered to doorsteps or taken out. About 50% of the US population visits fast food restaurants every week even if they know that 11% of their calories come from this diet (qtd. in Min et al. 590). People also choose such places because of the presence of play areas and menus for kids, developing positive perceptions and neglecting negative outcomes. Human health is actually challenged by fast food, provoking the progress of digestive disorders, mental health problems, and autoimmune diseases. In this essay, fast food restaurants will be discussed as the cause of depression, headache, and obesity as the possible negative effects on people’s health.

Fast food consumption is a common practice in the United States, as well as in many developed and developing countries. People like the idea of having their breakfasts or lunches outside and not spending much time, preparing food at home. Min et al. find that fast food is associated with positive perceptions because consumers admit its convenience (quick services and easy reach), affordability (inexpensiveness), good taste, and increased socializing opportunities (594). It is possible for adults to come to these restaurants with children and enjoy the comfort offered to clients of different ages. The point is that not many individuals are aware of how many calories fast food brings to the human body or what health threats may be related to this consumption (Min et al. 599). Therefore, evident short-term benefits of fast-food restaurants usually prevail over their long-term negative effects on health.

The popularity of fast food continues growing, as well as its effects on the human body, provoking undesirable outcomes in different systems. One of the most obvious effects of fast food is connected with the number of consumed calories and the impossibility of burning them appropriately (Min et al. 597). People admire available choices and opportunities and forget about simple healthy lifestyle requirements. Unintentional weight growth and difficulties in losing or controlling weight may be either an effect of fast food or a cause of new problems with bone density, poor respiratory functioning, and heart diseases. An unhealthy diet is also characterized by increased consumption of salt (sodium) and sugar, which leads to the development of mental illnesses and the destruction of brain cells (Fuhrman 376). The risks of fatigue, headaches, depression and anxiety are high among the visitors to fast food restaurants. Americans do not even realize that they make their bodies toxic by eating such food and try to change something when it is too late instead of predicting harm.

In conclusion, it is correct to say that fast-food restaurants have a tremendous impact on the human body and health. Being encouraged and popular due to its convenience, variety, and quality of services, fast food remains the choice of millions of people worldwide. However, the causes like the intention to save time, enjoy sociability, and stay on trend should not conceal fast food effects. Adults and children who choose comfort over health may be diagnosed with obesity, heart disease, and depression and complain of headaches. Therefore, healthy lifestyle promotion, education, and counseling are recommended for the population to reveal the truth about fast food restaurants.

Works Cited

Fuhrman, Joel. “The Hidden Dangers of Fast Food and Processed Food.” American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine, vol. 12, no. 5, 2018, pp. 375-381.

Min, Jungwon, et al. “Americans’ Perceptions About Fast Food and How They Associated with Its Consumption and Obesity Risk.” Advances in Nutrition, vol. 9, no. 5, 2018, pp. 590-601.

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