Globalization: Positive and Negative Impacts

According to Ellis (Par.1) “globalization refers to the trend toward countries joining together economically; through education, society and politics, and viewing themselves not only through their national identity but also as part of the world as a whole.” The current world situation is that there is integration of economic and social activities all across the world. Trade is occurring now in almost every part of the world. This can be blamed totally on the technology that has and crops up every single day. The Internet has become part of the daily dread for most world citizens. There is so much information being passed around on a daily basis that is of benefit to both the developed n developing states. This document will in detail discuss globalization’s aspects, impact either positive, negative ones or a situation of being in-between, the paper will also tackle the effects of the concept on human rights and a valid conclusion will be draw to emphasize the concept and its implications.

The world is said to be on big village with different individuals and markets. Globalization is the concept introduced to make this statement even more precise. Regardless of the location on the planet, globalization brings closer together people of all nations. This is possible through use of a common medium like the internet or a global economy. Globalization involves the integration of economies. The economic integration according to (1) has enabled the free flow of ideas, goods and services, technologies, finance, capital, information and people. The integration is viewed to have social, political, cultural and economic aspects to any state in the world. The integration occurred through four major models. The first is through the trade of goods and services, flow of financial ability, the movements of people from state to state. And the disbursing of capital from one corner of the world to the ext and so forth.

According to (1) globalization has both positive and negative implication on the world’s economy and the people in it. The negative implications are the creation of a degraded environment due to the numerous industrious activities. There is also the creation of inequalities among states. Most of the developed countries have a higher say in the regulation of the market since they have a higher capital input in the global businesses than the developing countries. Other negative globalization impacts that have been pointed out by Government Education (2) include unfair business competition. This is due to the domination of richer states over poor ones. There is also the changing mode of production from subsidiary to export. This is opposed to the prior mode of production that was serving the local market rather than the export market of the global. This reduces the chances of quality local production especially in the farming sector. The local land is also converted into commercial resources leading to less settling land for the growing population. The developing countries are also faced with the need to accept policies that are posed to them by the developed countries all in the name of globalization. The developed countries need the developed countries to be able to attain their developmental goals. There is also the migration of people from the developing countries to developed ones. This not only disrupts the social fabric of the family but leads to loss of quality labour in the migrant’s country of origin. To some societies especially developing countries, view globalization as a form of “Americanization”. This means that there is also the loss of culture and identities. The integration of pop culture with the local culture has lead to loss the less popular local culture. Increased globalization has lead to loss of the power of most developing countries in their decision making regarding the political and economic sector due to the large influence of well up states.

Ellis (Par.1) points out the positive side of globalization as follows: globalization reduces the level of poverty especially in the developing countries. This is due to provision of jobs or markets for the goods and services they produce. There is also according to the author the opportunity of developing countries to access technology. This will aid in the creating of an efficient, diverse and effective economy for the beneficiary states. The life expectancy of the citizens are increased due to better ways of living. This is due to improved health care and working conditions. Globalization as a whole promotes world peace due to the constant interactions between different world nations based on improving each other’s status.

Globalization affects human rights.There are many migrants to developed countries. Most of the time they complain of poor treatment. This is a violation of a human right that states that every human as a right to fairs treatment. The other right that is violated is that off freedom of worship. There are countries in which immigrants are forced to conform to the religious believers of the state they are working with. Due to the environmental degradation, the right to a not being endangered by the state is violated since the pollution is a product of the pursuit of globalization.

In conclusion globalization has brought in both positive and negative effects. This document clearly indicates that there are more negative effects than positive ones. Globalization has also led to violation of human rights such as freedom of worship and protection against prejudice which is experienced mostly by immigrants. There is therefore a need to control the effects of the concept to the world at large. This will make the concept easy to absorb to the various states.

Works cited

Ellis, Tricia. WiseGEEK. What is Globalization?, 2003. Web.

Businessmapsofindia. Impact of Globalization, 2010 Web.

Government Education. Globalization―Positive or Negative? 2010. Web.

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