Importance of the Organizational Behavior Studies

Organizational behavior is a scientific discipline about the causes and factors of people’s behavior in an organization; a field of scientific research that uses the theory, methods and principles of various disciplines to study individual perceptions, values, and behaviors when working in groups and in an entire organization. The study of organizational behavior provides an understanding of how an employee should behave in the company and work. Moreover, it provides an understanding of the aspects of employee motivation, increasing their productivity during the working period and establishing strong trusting relationships between employees and managers.

Five new employees were hired for my work, although the management does not have a training plan for these employees. This decision of HR-managers surprised me, since these employees were hired remotely and the management did not have the opportunity to learn their experience and evaluate their skills. A month later, people were fired because the training plan was not developed and the managers were not able to correctly set goals for the new employees, and as a result, their time and managers were lost.

Bentley’s article describes the differences between problems that can be solved and those that cannot, as well as what consequences this may entail and how to deal with them. In addition, an important role in solving these problems is played by leaders and their ability to cope with the problems that have formed, Bentley (2019) states that employees often turn to their manager for help in solving any issue. In this case, the main role is played by the organizational behavior of the leader, since decision-making on company issues lies mainly with him.

Diversity in the workplace means that the company employs a wide range of different people with different characteristics. Comfortable work of people of different gender, race, religion, age, education and abilities in the same territory makes the company more attractive and stand out. This is a great advantage for the company as different people have their own special skills and have different answers to the questions posed to the organization. Diversity in the workplace will increase the company’s efficiency, creativity, and reputation. In addition, I believe that diversity will help in the development of each employee individually, as communication with different people contributes to this, as well as teach people to be a single cohesive team. There are complexities of diversity in the workplace, for example, since each company has its own set of goals, the practice of introducing diversity in the workplace should correspond to it. It would not be right for a manager to simply copy the initiatives of other companies. It is also necessary to train your staff and invest in it so that the team members are aware of the goals associated with diversity, as misunderstandings can lead to negative results in the future.

The article describes diversity in the workplace in Japan. The country is making very slow progress in the area of gender equality. The Japanese Government is trying to empower women in the workplace. The example of the global consulting company Accenture is considered in which changes in the attitude towards working women have begun to take place. Despite the fact that the number of women involved in the work in this company is growing, men still have mental obstacles. Yuko (2019) claims that the company mentors young entrepreneurs that they can work in Japanese business sector. Japan is committed to improving the results associated with the introduction of diversity in the workplace.


Bentley, J.C. (2019) Leadership is a wicked problem. Graziadio Business Review, 23(3), 1-11. Web.

Yuko, A. (2019) Japan: Growth through diversity. NHK World-Japan. Web.

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