Multinational Corporation: Organizational Development Strategy


In the contemporary extremely competitive and global market, competitive advantage lies in management’s aptitude to merge corporate-wide technologies and production expertise into competencies that give power to individual businesses to become accustomed with rapidly changing opportunities and proper strategy in organizational behavior holds the key. Thus, as a Director for Organizational Development of a Multinational Corporation it is important to formulate a right strategy within the organization.

Decision making

Decision making by managers and associates affect organizational change in a big way. Decision making and strategy development is actually an emergent property which takes shape over time. Since strategy is a complex phenomenon, Decision making occurs by slowly identifying the basic properties of the complex situation. Most of the time, the process of strategy development is actually determined by various decision making requirements by the managers and associates. Effective strategy development is usually carried out by a proper evaluation of SWOT Analysis that results into change. Thus, change management is required. Change Management is an integral part of the corporate fraternity these days and that too with reasons. In general sense it can mentioned that Change management includes assessment of changes, implement the change, plan and attainment. Thus, the main aspects of Change management indicate two major points. One is to trace the change intricately and two is to support the procedure of the change and channel it into proper course or utilize this change for the advantage of the corporation.

The roll of communication

The roll of communication is extremely important. It relates to associates’ ability to carryout their work function, and operates in teams, and reduces conflict. With respect to organizational behavior during a change the cultural and structural aspects of an organization need to be considered as the basic issues. The emphasis lies on conflict negotiations, formation of coalitions and other groups with proper agendas caused by inadequate resources. The directors of a company need to identify their principle constituencies so that their problems can be solved. Arenas that can eliminate differences through compromises need to be carried out. The similarities between the different groups need to be communicated so that they can be united against the external enemies. A method of change is appreciative inquiry, which is undertaken for the generation of a set of collective images of an improved future by discovering the best aspects within the organization, realizing what creates those superior aspects and amplifying the various elements contributing to the improved performance of the organization. In today’s context, this improvement of performance depends mostly on interdepartmental communication and this is the best possible measure.

The role of the organizational culture

The role of the organizational culture in implementation organizational strategy is vital. Effective organizational culture has a number of traits and is evident by high degrees of employee commitment, creativity and productivity. This brings about an increase in profitability, innovation and quality of the organization. This drives the leaders in an organization to develop proper organizational culture among its employees for enhanced results. However, cultures do not suddenly emerge all by themselves and needs to be actively shaped by those people responsible for ensuring the organization’s financial and strategic success. Thus, just as organizational leaders have to manage finances and operations of their company, they also have to manage its culture. However, although organizational culture is an intangible and subtle phenomenon is quite difficult for the managers to bring about and manage as it cannot be influenced or manipulated directly. There are no workable tools, which can be used to cultivate organizational culture as it is defined by the behavior, attitude and beliefs of the employees. However, leadership, communication and people skills can be the only ways though which the organizational culture of a company can be managed effectively. The organizational leaders need to determine the degree to which an employee understands and follows the strategic directions and missions set for the company. They also need assess how well employees interacts with each other and share information and knowledge.

Influence of organizational culture

Organizational culture is influenced by the implementation of change. In time of change and under the influence of proper organizational culture the employees as a group should feel responsible for upholding the standards and system developments of the organization. We have to remember that changing the culture of an organization is very difficult, as it requires that the people in the organization alter their behaviors too. It is tough for people to simply forget and change the way they are habituated in doing things and start behaving differently. Thus, in order to shape the culture in an organization, people have to be involved, disciplined, persistent, understanding and kind towards each other and train and develop them to bring about an appreciable culture in the organization.


The primarily important roles of the strategic formulation enactment of decision making in context of change would interpret business policies into management priorities. In any business background, whether corporate, well-designed, business enterprises or product line a policy exists either unambiguously in the formal course of action or document or unreservedly through a shared schema on priorities. As strategic associates, Organizational behavior management strategy implementation should be to make out the strategy practices that finally make the application of the strategy possible. The process of recognizing this strategy precedence is officially termed as organizational diagnosis, courses of action through which a company is audited to make out its strengths and limitations and would ultimately show the benefit.

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