Parenting as a Process and Set of Responsibilities


Parenting is a core element of bringing out of strong generations for the future times. The quality of parenting is rather different among ethnic groups in various parts of the world. Children are taught to become responsible and productive adults for the purpose of further delegation of such mission to their heirs. The need of every parent to prepare his/her child for living and surviving within the society is the most significant. When parents teach children how to behave, parents are taught themselves. Chris Theisen singles out eight parents’ responsibilities, four of which are discussed bellow in accordance with N. Benokraitis prospects.

Basic needs

Though the basic needs to be provided should take into account the age preferences and features which tend to make positive values elaborate. These are the indicators of children’s stimulation for the further times and, in fact, the bellow listed needs can directly make prognosis of a child’s destiny due to their straightforward following.

  • Basic physical care (Warmth, shelter, food, rest, hygiene, protection from danger)
  • Affection (Holding, kissing, cuddling, admiration, patience, time)
  • Security (Continuity of care and a predictable environment)
  • Stimulation (By praise and responsiveness to questions and play)
  • Guidance (Discipline of understanding, etalon for the child to copy)
  • Responsibility (Giving responsibility, gaining experience by mistakes and successes)
  • Independence (Allowing to make own decisions) (Nolan 6)

Self esteem

The need of self-esteem development among children is a feature which concerns parental wishes about a child’s personal achievements, for when a parent teaches a child to have self esteem he/she proves this inner statement inside his/her mind. Among positive outcomes of youth self-esteem remains a base for nurturing the other aspects of a man’s psychological nature. It can be resulted in, as Berkowitz and Grych state, parents’ following the five approaches in behavior, namely: induction; nurturance; demandingness; modeling; democratic family processes. (Cited in Killen 694) Also parents should not forget to cultivate in their children the standpoint that outside look and visible difference in comparison with others is not worthy of concentrating on, but the rod of self esteem should be adhered to.

Moral values

According to moral values which are to be taught for children there are many controversies as of this point. One part of the society sees better obtaining and nurturing of moral values within church, others try to constructively encompass the wholeness of people’s experience. With regards to the discussion of this issue John G. Bruhn outlines that “without cross-generational communication and sharing in teaching moral values in families, there will be large gaps left untaught.” (Bruhn 167) Then due to following the entire complex of above mentioned principles and rules it is time to look for the mutual respect which never comes automatically, but with tints of “calming the troubled waters.” (Ryan 205)

Mutual respect

Development of mutual respect between parents and children is a very sensitive thing that needs better attention because children strive for parental explanation of this or that phenomenon. In this case, parents can develop in their children the urge for respectful attitude towards parents in the future and it also will teach them a lesson of how to develop reciprocal respect in their would-be children according to the example of their parents. It is a vicious circle which needs order.

Works cited

Ryan, K., Lickona, T. Character development in schools and beyond. Edition 2. CRVP, 1992.

Bruhn, J. G. The sociology of community connections. Birkhäuser, 2005.

Killen, M., Smetana, J. Handbook of Moral Development. Routledge, 2006.

Nolan, M. L. Royal College of Nursing (Great Britain). Education and Support for Parenting: A Guide for Health Professionals. Elsevier Health Sciences, 2002.

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