Post-9-11 Veterans’ Influence on Corporate Culture


It is agreed that military men possess certain skills and character qualities that are precious in other spheres, such as the business world. They include leadership, organization, adaptability, discipline, teamwork, and resilience (Dillon & Advocate, 2017; Adler & Sowden, 2018; Georgiev, 2019; Williams et al., 2017). The proposed study aims to find how post-9/11 veterans can positively influence corporate culture and personnel within an organization. This report establishes the cohesiveness of the literature review and methodology and contends that qualitative methods and a case study are the most appropriate ways to research this topic.

Relevance of Selected Methods

The methodological fit concept is used to prove the cohesiveness and logical connectedness of a research project. Edmondson and McManus (2007) argue that an “internal consistency among elements of a research project” is an essential indicator of the paper’s validity (p. 1). The proposed study has a written literature review that lists prior contributors and identifies the gap in the literature about the subject. The study begins with a broad context of the post-9/11 veterans residing in the US. Then, it narrows down the issue to how their capabilities can be instrumental for business development and human resource management. After establishing research questions, the study presents methods and techniques that allow acquiring the required information. The methodology is perfectly related to prior work and research questions, indicating the potential existence of the methodological fit in this study.

Research Methodology

The proposed project is based on the qualitative research methodology. It is invaluable for collecting in-depth information about people’s feelings, attitudes, and viewpoints (Cassell et al., 2018). Unlike quantitative methods concerned with statistical data and dealing mostly with secondary information, qualitative research is based on accumulating more subjective yet highly insightful data about projects’ participants (Basias & Pollalis, 2018). The proposed study seeks to examine the extent to which the military mindset of post-9/11 veterans can impact a company’s culture and its comparative advantage. It also strives to discover whether employing the veterans is a sensible practice from the human resource standpoint. To answer these questions, it is crucial to acquire the opinions of those who work in the case study company, Yorktown Systems Group. In particular, targeted individuals, including the veterans, HR managers, executives. Their knowledge of the company’s internal processes is indispensable for this research paper. Thus, utilizing interviews, questionnaires, and surveys is the most appropriate and effective way to gain the necessary data.

Research Design

The project’s research design is predicated on the case study. This design is suitable for the proposed study for multiple reasons. To begin with, it is a rather narrow area of research; therefore, the thorough analysis of one business entity would extend the existing knowledge on the matter. Secondly, a qualitative case study enables unraveling complex relationships between the company’s employees, managers, and executives. This design can uncover some of the vital aspects of the working process that cannot be found through, for instance, quantitative methods (Alam, 2020). In other words, the case study would enable to look at the issue considering its social context.

The research questions require detailed explanations from the interview participants. Crucially, subjective judgments of whether post-9/11 veterans can enhance companies’ productivity and workers’ performance play a key role in the study. The answers can be gained on the condition that the researcher is aware of the importance of the basic privacy and safety procedures concerning interviews. For example, before the interview, the researcher must provide the participants with guidelines and inform them about confidentiality rules (Kaiser, 2009). Once the interviewer creates comfortable conditions for participants, they would be more inclined to open up to him or her. This, in turn, would allow enriching the study with critical information.

The Rationale for the Research Methods

The selected methodology and the research design are suitable for the study because the topic is not properly explored in the academic literature. The scope of this study is rather narrow as it specifically focuses on post-9/11 veterans rather than military veterans in general. The novelty of the topic implies the need to gain an in-depth understanding of the phenomenon. Therefore, primary qualitative data collection and analysis are vital for this project. By contrast, secondary information, particularly statistics and other numerical data, are associated with a broader specter of the research and a shallower comprehension of an issue.

The case study of Yorktown Systems Group allows narrowing down the project and creating a perfect focus on those individuals who can share their insights that help answer research questions. For example, surveys and interviews create the necessary proximity between the researcher and the employees. That closeness tends to facilitate the understanding of the matter (Aspers & Corte, 2019). Namely, it would provide the opportunity to learn about the alleged change in culture due to veterans’ presence in the company. This could not be determined through secondary methods, as such data is virtually non-existent.


This report confirmed that the proposed methodology would provide detailed and rich information to answer the research questions. Utilizing questionnaires, interviews, and surveys would allow the researcher to gain a significant amount of useful information about the impact of the post-9/11 veterans on Yorktown Systems Group’s corporate culture and the productivity of its personnel. Finally, this report established that various elements of the study are consistent with one another, which adds to the validity of the academic project.


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