Social Groups’ Impact on Social Interactions

Kim Kardashian is a prime example of an influencer on social media. She has built an empire largely off her ability to influence her fans on social media platforms like Instagram and Twitter. Kim is known for being brutally honest with her fans, sharing everything from her workouts to her diet tips. She has also been open about her struggles with weight loss and body image, which has helped her build an incredibly loyal social media following.

Social groups are a collection of individuals who share common characteristics and interact with each other. Social interaction is the process of interacting with other people. It can be verbal or nonverbal, and it can be direct or indirect. Direct social interaction is face-to-face communication, whereas indirect social interaction is communication through another person or medium. Social groups substantially influence social interaction; for example, being a member of a certain social group makes one more inclined to collaborate with others and engage in pro-social conduct (Argyle, 2017). Additionally, belonging to a social group increases the feeling of self-worth and self-esteem, which can, in turn, lead to more positive social interactions. Therefore, social groups play an important role in shaping human social interactions. However, this is not to say that every interaction is determined by the group membership; but belonging to a social group can have some influence on the way someone interacts with others.

Social groups impact social interaction by dictating what is and is not considered acceptable behavior. For example, a group of friends may have an unspoken agreement to never talk about certain topics, like religion. This can influence how members of the group interact with each other and with people outside the group (Argyle, 2017). Similarly, social groups can equally influence social interaction by providing support and encouragement for certain behaviors. For example, a study group may provide moral and emotional support for each member as they work towards a common goal. This can help members of the group feel more comfortable interacting with each other and working together.


Argyle, M. (2017). Social Interaction. Routledge.

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