SOL Cleaning Service Management Policy Analysis


This paper is a case study on SOL Cleaning Service. The paper identifies the functions of management at SOL Cleaning Service, evaluates the company to see whether it is a new workplace or an old workplace, and also examines the company’s website to see whether there is any evidence of the company’s efficiency and effectiveness.

Functions of management at SOL Cleaning Service


Planning is the continuous process of coming up with the organization’s mission and objectives and stating how they will be achieved.

From the case, we are told that training schedules and upcoming events are posted on the company’s intranet. This is evidence of planning.

“Staff Planning is the process by which management determines how an organization should move from its current manpower position to its desired position” (Perry, J., and Mesch, D. 1997).

The objectives of human resource planning involve;

  • Optimum use of existing human resource
  • Forecast future requirements for human resource
  • Link human resource planning with organization planning
  • Assess surplus and shortage of human resource
  • Anticipate the impact of technology on jobs and human resources.
  • Determine levels of recruitment and training
  • Estimate the cost of human resources and needs of employees
  • To facilitate productivity bargaining.


Staffing refers to ensuring that all the positions in the organization are filled with qualified employees at all times.

This function can be performed through the following exercises:

Graduate recruitment

Graduate recruitment is the process of recruiting fresh graduates who are top of their class. Companies that apply this method normally go for students with the best grades in the graduating class. They then employ such graduates as management trainees and even offer them opportunities to further their education while working for the company.

This practice enables the corporations to have the best and fresh graduates who are enthusiastic and also up to date with the changing technology and ideas in the industry.

Internal promotion

Promotion is the process of filling vacant positions within the organization by interviewing employees who have the required skills, rather than advertising the positions to external candidates in the job market. This can also be similar to the job posting. The job posting is internal recruitment whereby available positions are offered to existing staff before exploring outside sources. It includes the simplified job description, citing the department, location, exemption status, salary grade, and work schedule, requirements, primary duties, and responsibility is posted on the organization’s intranet.

The job posting has been viewed to be more cost-effective since the organization sources from within and some hidden skills are discovered in the employees. This also increases the morale of the employee making hence increase in profitability.

Careful selection

This is done to ensure that the organization only appoints people who fit its requirements, by subjecting all applicants to an interview with every partner in the organization.

It is very important to take great care during the selection process to bring only the right people into the organization. This is done by taking the potential through different kinds of interviews and tests that test if the potential candidate has all the skills and character needed in the organization. Reasoning screening helps to identify the candidates’ particular qualifications, and finally, the in-person assessment helps them to identify who the candidate is.


This is a way that exposes new employees to the culture and practices of the company that they have just joined. Successful socialization produces highly dedicated employees whose loyalty to the company cannot be doubted.

From the case, we are told that supervisors are responsible for hiring members of their teams. This is evidence of staffing.


Organizing involves laying down the internal organizational structure.

From the case, we are told that the company does not open a new studio when unless the anticipated business from that studio is sufficient to pay its rent, buy equipment and train its employees. This is a sign of organizing.


Leading refers to influencing the behavior of employees towards accomplishing the organization’s mission and objectives, while at the same time developing the employees.

Training of employees

Training refers to allowing employees to acquire more skills either by organizing in-house training for them or sponsoring them to go for external courses at institutions.

Every employee wants to feel like they are developing and not just working and therefore training employees gives an organization a competitive advantage because the employees will be motivated and at the same time have the relevant skills since the technology change is very dynamic.

For training to result in competitive advantage, the levels of efficiency achieved as a result of the training should be evident to justify the cost of training.

From the case, we learn that SOL’s training program includes time management, budgeting, and people skills, despite being a cleaning company. This is a sign of leading since the employees are developed.

From the case, we are told that on most days, the chairman rides her bicycle to work (Imperato, G. 1997).

This is evidence that she is leading her employees by example.


Controlling refers to the setting of performance benchmarks, comparing actual performance to the benchmarks, and correcting any deviations.

Performance appraisal and budgeting are some tools used in controlling.

Performance appraisal

Performance appraisal is reviewing the performance of employees over a given period, against goals that had been agreed upon by the employee and the supervisor at the beginning of the period under review. The main purpose is to see if the employee is working towards the goals or if there are some variations, intending to correct any unfavorable variations.

Correcting poor performance

Correcting poor performance leads to improved performance and better efficiency.

From the case, we are told that the company measures performance frequently. This is a sign of control.

We are also told that supervisors develop their budgets together with their teams. Budgeting is a control measure.

Evaluation of SOL Cleaning Service

I would evaluate SOL as a ‘new workplace’ because of the following reasons:

  • From the case, we are told that SOL is a high-energy, fast-paced, knowledge-driven company. All these are characteristics of a new workplace (Samson, D., & Daft, R. 2009).
  • We are also told that supervisors have cell phones and laptops to enable them to work anywhere. This is also a characteristic of a new workplace.
  • Examination of the company’s website.
  • From an examination of the company’s website, SOL is very effective and efficient.


Imperato, G. (1997). Dirty business, bright ideas. Web.

Perry, J., & Mesch, D. (1997). Strategic Human Resource Management Public

Personnel Management: Current Concerns, Future Challenges. New York: Warner Books.

Samson, D., & Daft, R., (2009). Management (3rd Asia Pacific ed.). South Melbourne, Vic: Cengage Learning Australia.

SOL Cleaning Service. (n. d). Company website. Web.

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