Professional Practice in HRM

One critical part of successful academic training is conducting a reflective analysis. This strategy allows for a competent synthesis of existing knowledge and significantly increases awareness of one’s own experiences and learning weaknesses and strengths. For this reason, as part of this introductory assignment, we were asked to reflect on our own experience in the HRM industry critically. As I have not had any professional work experience at this time and have no acquaintances or friends who could work in human resource management, I will try to conduct generalized research and answer the proposed questions based on what I have personally assumed and what I have found on the Internet.

First and foremost, I would like to point out the fundamental importance of the HRM industry to any enterprise. It happens so that in many developing regions, communities have not yet arrived at a formalized vision of what human resource management is. So, there is a confident societal cognitive attitude that HR people are in the business of hiring employees and then firing them. In such a case, if there is a noticeable trend toward automation of management in the enterprise, it is expected that HRM workers are not actually needed, and soon such a profession will simply disappear (Kurek, 2021). Computer-based training will be able to make independent, weighted, and informed decisions, devoid of human error, regarding selecting the right candidate for a particular position. While there is truth in this, in reality, people who say this have little understanding of the functional significance of HRM.

The role of HR in the professional operations of an enterprise is difficult to overestimate, as it is HR that is the link that effectively connects all subsystems of the business. HR is responsible for hiring and firing employees and dealing with mental health, dealing with employee adjustment and motivation, evaluating performance benchmarks, and creating the corporate climate in the company (Pynes, 2008). When someone talks about a solid corporate or organizational culture, as is often the case with large firms, they are talking about the activities of the HRM department, which creates a favorable employee experience in the company. To put it another way, without HR, an enterprise could not be holistic and fully formed, and therefore it is inadvisable to ignore the importance of this department.

The moment I become an actual employee in this industry, I will probably want to continue to carry the corporate values of HR and demonstrate the importance of this resource. However, this does not mean that I will tell every employee how much the HR department does, but rather that I will strive to do shadow work of such high quality that none of the employees will even question the company’s need for human resource management. In this context, I am particularly interested in what I put into the definition of “quality” of the work I do. If we turn to the experiences of other employees, we can understand that the critical complaints about HR have always been the lack of transparency in management, intimidation, hostile work environment, lack of established communication, and self-centered bosses (FHRC, 2019). All of the factors described do play a negative role for the company because they create a large gap between the links of the business system instead of linking and integrating.

Due to the above, it is appropriate to emphasize that quality HR work will mean overcoming all of the negative aspects described. To this end, I will strictly adhere to HRM’s code of ethics, which unequivocally makes it clear that actions can violate the corporate culture. More specifically, following the code, I will not differentiate employees by race, gender, or age, but will take a personalized approach to each of them (Juneja, n.d.). There can be a fine line in this because, on the one hand, I must emphasize an individual’s talents and abilities, but on the other hand, I must not over-emphasize them. Thus, I am sure that a sense of this line will come with experience and that I will not have to face in my personal experience acts of racism, sexism, or ageism. On the other hand, I want to be committed to strict transparency in my professional activity, which means that I should not encourage shady schemes, fraud, or corruption (Juneja, n.d.). It is often HR responsible for identifying the best employees in a reporting period who are entitled to financial rewards (Martono et al., 2018; Pynes, 2008). Motivation with money is a great tool, but those employees who fail to receive it (due to low KPIs, for example) can be resentful and angry. To inhibit any conflicts, full transparency of rewards is essential. At the same time, such a strategy will allow fewer outstanding employees to identify their weaknesses and work on them in the future.

To conclude this paper, I would like to emphasize the fundamental importance of HR work for the entire company. Considering human resource management only through the prism of primitive tasks is not respectful and correct; therefore, in my future work, I would like to show the total value of this work through actions. The department’s studied experience makes it clear that many of them face negative aspects of professional activity. To prevent the development of such factors, it is necessary to fully adhere to a code of ethics, ensuring transparency and goodwill.


FHRC. (2019). 13 common human resources complaints (and how companies can deal with them). Forbes. Web.

Juneja, P. (n.d.). Ethical issues in HR. MSG. Web.

Kurek, D. (2021). Use of modern IT solutions in the HRM activities: Process automation and digital employer branding. European Research Studies, 24, 152-170.

Martono, S., Khoiruddin, M., & Wulansari, N. A. (2018). Remuneration reward management system as a driven factor of employee performance. International Journal of Business & Society, 19, 1-12.

Pynes, J. E. (2008). Human resources management for public and nonprofit organizations: A strategic approach (Vol. 30). John Wiley & Sons.

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