Education, Parent and Community Relations


Parental involvement in educational field has an integral role in assuring the better education of a student that calls for the attention of educational experts and teachers. It is common knowledge that one should treat a child by properly understanding the likes and the dislikes of the child which ensures his bright future. When analyzing the parental involvement in the education as well as in the character formation of child, the notable factor that one understands is that if a child does not get proper care and consideration from his parents and the teachers, there is possibility for him to be either attracted to falsehood or may yield to depression. It is because of these reasons, the study of this topic assumes importance and it is possible to regard it as a real problem that affects the younger generation.

When keeping this problem in one’s mind, one can suggest various ways to improve the parental involvement in child education and thus by alleviating the aforesaid issue. Most of the educational experts are of the opinion that parents and teachers should be role models to their students. There should be a concordance between the teachers and the parents in matters with regard to children. The duty of a parent includes, “Understanding teacher’s job; increased comfort in school interactions and carryover of school activities at home.” (The parental involvement checklist, 2008). Only if a child feels that his/her parents take care in matters that connected with them, they will tend to focus on the studies other extracurricular activities.


To ensure the mental health of students, it is preferable for one to allow leisure time for the students that will enable them for their refreshment. Though it is not always possible to regard play as the one providing happy and productive experience to children, one can see it as one helping for the healthy development of a child. Many researchers have identified that children often fail to keep good relations with their peers despite the fact that their play with others promotes cognitive, emotional and social growth. The great challenge of the childhood educators and the caregivers is about making the play hours effective for the student and they combined it with learning.

“The Association for Childhood Education International (ACEI) recognizes the need for children of all ages to play and affirms the role of play in children’s lives.” (Isenberg & Quisenberry, 2002). This organization supports the parents who respect, understand and justify play as an effective tool in the character formation of a child. It has been generally viewed that the absence of play will be an obstacle in maintaining the health and creativity of children.

In this regard the role of the parents in actively indulging in child affairs assumes importance and the parents and the teachers should be capable of distinguishing the play and non-play behaviors by properly understanding its features namely;

  1. intrinsically motivated and self-initiated,
  2. process oriented,
  3. non-literal and pleasurable,
  4. exploratory and active, and
  5. rule-governed.” (Isenberg & Quisenberry, 2002).

Another group of educational thinkers regard play as the right medium to inculcate the social and emotional development of a child. In guiding their children to attain these features, parents can motivate their children.


The solution that one can suggest for the present issue is that parents should permit their children in engaging in different sports and games or in other extracurricular activities. Parents can exert their influence in motivating the child for selecting the game that best suits for him in attaining mental and physical health. If such a system is implemented among the children and the parents, one can infer that that will be beneficial for the children in assuring their bright future.


Isenberg, JP., & Quisenberry, N. (2002). Play: Essential for all children. Association for childhood education international. Web.

The parental involvement checklist. (2008). Project appleseed. Web.

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