Supply Chain and Risk Management

From the findings, Tesla Inc. had a favorable balance scorecard. The computations show a record of 4.2 (average), meaning that the organization was performing well. The cash conversion circle and techniques of the firm were excellent, leading to its great performance in terms of the balanced scorecard. However, the existence of poor organizational goals and measures could provide Tesla Inc.’s red flags in the future. The situation can only be controlled by linking the organizational goals and performance measurement with the entire supply chain in the organization (Saroha et al., 2021). The average score presented by Tesla Inc. reflects the S &OP process section, which is connected supply chain.

Despite having strong teamwork, Tesla Inc.’s score may suffer if its major stakeholders are not satisfied. The employees of the organization should be encouraged through the enhancement of a good work environment. Furthermore, they lack a system for integrating supply partners deeply into the supply chain. By hiring workers from many ethnic groups, the organization has embraced diversity and improved supply chain and operational management. Customers for the business primarily originate from West Africa, the Middle East, India, and Latin America. Internal data theft and system breaches pose the highest risk to the business. Given the volume of clients they have, that would be disastrous. However, their organizations and risk management plans are appalling. The assessment’s industry part had an average grade of 6.2.

The organization utilizes an effective ERP system and cutting-edge analytics technologies. In order to store their data with the best architecture possible, they use a global database. The integrated supply chain portion of the heat map assessment test thus receives a favorable score of 3.9 from them (Saroha et al., 2021). Due to their intense attention to the needs of the client and strong demand stream visibility, they excelled in demand management. They also collaborate and communicate with customers in an excellent manner.

In terms of conversion costs, Tesla Inc. has been able to meet its target hence minimizing its supply chain. Furthermore, Tesla Inc. has been gaining a competitive advantage in the international environment despite going through some challenges. Their management and strategy-generation techniques are equally extraordinary and amazing. They probably need to do a better job of delivering their goods. Their rating of 4.4 for adaptive management is respectable.

They also received a solid score of 3.3 for logistics, demonstrating how competently they manage their product in general. Their storage facilities, such as warehouses, are well-run and maintained. They have a very impressive 3.0 supply score. They use a smart buying strategy. Involved in the supply chain are the suppliers who provide them with goods. They also excel at managing costs and commodities. They lack a planned approach to making purchases and handle orders in a subpar manner as well.

Their risk-mitigation score is not as strong, they have a 5.3. They do not take the time to comprehend their level of risk appetite, and once the risk has gone, they do not take the time to refine their methods. However, they include interested parties in each risky investment and allot enough money for risk management. They offer good supply flexibility. They do, however, not have good production flexibility or service flexibility in terms of agility. They receive a poor score of 6.3 for agility overall as a result.


Saroha, M., Garg, D., & Luthra, S. (2021). Analyzing the circular supply chain management performance measurement framework: the modified balanced scorecard technique. International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management. Web.

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