The Communist Manifesto of Marx and Engels


Marx and Engels were the brains behind the communist manifesto. The whole publication sought to describe the means through which the society was going to get rid of the tyranny of capitalism. It is a well-known fact that Marx together with Engels was against capitalism and industrialization. Throughout their careers, the two philosophers spoke out against capitalism and its exploitative mechanisms. However, a deeper analysis of the two reveals that they believed in industrialization. The purpose of this paper is to bring out areas in which Marx and Engels seemed to agree with industrialization.

Industrialization: A Positive Development

Marx and Engels are known to have been the brains behind the communist manifesto. In essence, the communist manifesto was nothing but a blueprint to what the two philosophers called revolution. In their analysis of the situations and events of economic and social nature, Engels and Marx believed that capitalism was to blame for the rise of the bourgeoisie class and the exploitation of the lower class which was dominated by the common wage workers.

The whole publication entailed political means of addressing the whole economic and social issues. Capitalism which promoted industrialization had been cited by Marx as being the reason for the fragmentation of society into two classes. The classes were the bourgeoisie who owned property, resources, and other factors of production, and the proletariat who were the wage workers. The stratification was to the advantage of the former class who owned the economy and exploited the poor (Lawall 317). In his opinion, Marx believed that capitalism through industrialization was mainly created to advance the self-interests of the bourgeoisie.

As a result, any gain made by the advent of industrialization was to the benefit of the bourgeoisie. However, from the two philosophers’ descriptions of industrialization, there is little doubt that the two advocated for industrialization. In fact, it can be said that through the publication the two philosophers extended their support for industrialization. The only point the two disagreed with industrialization was the sole benefit it had to the bourgeoisie class. Their concern was not that industrialization was negative but who reaped the benefits of industrialization. Throughout the draft, the authors hail the gains made by the advent of industrialization.

At a certain point, Marx is quoted as mentioning the benefits of industrialization. For instance, he talks about the expansion of the means of production and the unification of the globe into one market. According to him, these were positive developments. The only problem they had with industrialization was that most property and means of production were owned by the rich class (Bourgeoisie). As a result, Marx and Engels advocated for a system in which industrialization will thrive and the benefits be spread to all members of society equitably.


Through the communist manifesto, Marx and Engels provided the way forward as far as economic and social emancipation of the lower class workers was concerned. The publication was a well-crafted draft that represented a thorough analysis of conditions in the economic and social strata. Many people perceived Marx and Engels as being against industrialization. However, a good look at their work indicates that the two favored industrialization to a great extend. The paper has taken an analytical look at the two authors as far as industrialization is concerned. Special reference has been given to the works of Marx and Engels.

Work Cited

Lawall Sarah. The Norton Anthology of Western Literature. Washington: W.W. Norton, 2005.

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