Smoking Harm and Benefits of Quitting

Consequences of Smoking

To encourage smoking, cigarette companies have used several of the most impressive marketing campaigns. Phillip Morris, for example, used creative graphics, cleverly designed packaging, and slogans from a legendary cowboy known as the Marlboro Man to recognize smoking as a behavior associated with liberty, confidence, strength, and pleasure (Vallone et al., 2017). Branding inspired generations with whom smoking became a socially acceptable activity, and Marlboro became the preferred cigarette brand. However, a perfect promotion campaign for tobacco does not make it less detrimental to health. Smoking causes numerous diseases and is a recognized cause of the development of acute ailments, including cancer, cardiovascular diseases, and other illnesses.

Reasons for Quitting Smoking

Chronic Bronchitis

Chronic bronchitis is a prevalent condition among long-term smokers. In this condition, the airways produce an abnormally large amount of mucus, leading the patient to cough it out (The American Cancer Society, 2020). The airways become enlarged and irritated, and the cough becomes persistent. The problems might improve at certain moments, but the cough will persist. The tissue and mucus are also able to clog the airways after a while, leading to serious lung infections, such as pneumonia (The American Cancer Society, 2020). Although this disease cannot be treated, stopping smoking may help prevent further harm and maintain control of symptoms, thereby reducing the detrimental effects on the lungs.

Chronic Bronchitis

Heart Problems

Tobacco use harms the heart and blood arteries (cardiovascular system), boosting the chances of developing heart disease and stroke. Moreover, it is a chief reason for coronary heart disease (CHD), a condition in which the arteries of the heart are unable to send enough oxygen-rich blood to the heart muscle (The American Cancer Society, 2020). CHD is considered the most significant cause of death in the US. Smoking increases blood pressure, reduces the capacity to exercise, and increases the likelihood of blood clotting. It also reduces the levels of HDL (good) blood cholesterol and increases the chances of having a heart attack or a stroke.

Heart Problems

Blood Vessels Problem

Cigarettes raise the likelihood of developing an aortic aneurysm. This is a balloon-like protrusion in the aorta, the primary artery that transports blood from the heart to the body and the limbs (The American Cancer Society, 2020). This condition is induced by a thinning of the aortic wall and can develop in size over time. Smoking also causes or exacerbates impaired blood flow to the limbs, a condition known as a peripheral vascular disease (PVD). This might cause pain in the legs while moving and large blisters that do not heal. Smoking reduces the body’s capacity to recover from wounds because it reduces blood flow (The American Cancer Society, 2020).

Blood Vessels Problem


For many years, experts have recognized that smoking is the leading cause of lung cancer. It is still accurate today that smoking cigarettes or being exposed to passive smoke causes roughly 9 out of 10 lung cancer deaths (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2021b). Tobacco users now have a higher risk of lung cancer than they did in 1964, despite smoking fewer cigarettes (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2021b). Modifications in how cigarettes are manufactured and the substances they contain might be one explanation. Additionally, the ubiquitous marketing of cigarettes on TV and social media contributes to the constant demand for tobacco products, especially with the popularity of vape cigarettes.

Cancerous Cells

Although medications are improving, lung cancer continues to kill more people than any other kind of cancer. Additionally, many smokers skip regular checks, which only increases the chances of cancerous cells spreading and leading to terminal stages. Toxins in tobacco smoke can damage immune function, making it more challenging to eliminate cancerous cells. When this occurs, cancerous cells continue to proliferate unabated (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2021b). Additionally, every year, more than 7,300 non-smokers die in the United States from lung cancer induced by passive smoking (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2021b). Passive smoking is a combination of smoke inhaled by someone smoking and the smoke produced by burning cigarettes.

Cancerous Cells

Benefits of Quitting Smoking

One of the most crucial steps individuals can take to enhance their well-being is to stop smoking. This is evident irrespective of their age or length of smoking. As smoking is linked to premature death and a number of adverse health effects, such as poor reproductive systems, heart disease, chronic bronchitis, and cancer, quitting smoking improves health and reduces the costs of care (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2021a). Moreover, many of these diseases cannot be treated and can only be prevented by quitting smoking. While stopping smoking earlier in life has more health advantages, stopping at any age is advantageous to health. Quitting this habit is the best and most effective approach to protect relatives, employees, acquaintances, and others from the health effects of passive smoking.

Health Goals

Therefore, as seen from the aforementioned research, tobacco smoking does not lead to any good outcomes. The effects may vary, from experiencing pain while walking due to impaired blood flow to dying from a heart attack. Nevertheless, with effort and resolution to quit smoking, there is a chance to improve one’s health and eliminate circumstances of premature death. For instance, while trying to stop cigarette use, an individual might opt for nicotine replacement therapy that includes gums, inhalers, and patches. Additionally, a smoker might try e-cigarettes without nicotine to make gradual progress. These measures may help get rid of the bad habit gradually so as not to experience serious physiological and psychological challenges caused by quitting nicotine.

Sessions Outcomes and Possible Revisions

As a result of this session, a smoking individual might consider changing his habits and choose a plan to eliminate nicotine addiction. By reviewing the relevant information on the consequences of smoking, there might be an increased awareness of smoking abuse. Additionally, a wide array of resolutions to the problem might encourage the individual to quit smoking and choose healthy habits. During future sessions, some approaches can be used to increase the smoker’s motivation. There may be examining the family history, selecting of smokers and non-smokers, and identification of the presence or absence of health concerns pertaining to nicotine addiction. Moreover, counting the expenses on cigarettes can also facilitate the process of quitting.


The American Cancer Society. (2020). Health risks of smoking tobacco. Web.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2021a). Benefits of quitting. Web.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2021b). Smoking and cancer. Web.

Vallone, D., Greenberg, M., Xiao, H., Bennett, M., Cantrell, J., Rath, J., & Hair, E. (2017). The effect of branding to promote healthy behavior: Reducing tobacco use among youth and young adults. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 14(12), 1517. Web.

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